ThetaHealing® Sessions

 ThetaHealing® Session   

Iveta Henke

Advanced ThetaHealing  Practitioner


What is ThetaHealing®?

ThetaHealing is a practical healing technique that transforms your physical, emotional, and spiritual health at the cellular level.

The ThetaHealing  is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy - not specific to one religion but accepting them all - with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator (God). It is a training method for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. 

Theta Brainwaves

The human mind has five different brainwaves: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Theta. Everything that we are doing and saying is regulated by the frequency of our brainwaves. 

Theta brain waves are emitted at a very low frequency, where the conscious mind meets the unconscious. This produces a trance-like state of meditation similar to hypnosis, which relaxes the mind and relieves any mental stress or anxiety.

In ThetaHealing® our brain waves automatically go into a Theta state of mind. In this mind-state, we can create anything and change reality, instantly. 

 Elements of ThetaHealing  

Feeling work

It is one of powerful techniques in ThetaHealing. You can learn what a feeling feels like, that it is possible to have it, how to have it and how to use it.

Belief work

It empowers people with the ability to remove negative programs and beliefs and replace them with positive ones.

Genetic programs

Some beliefs are carried over from ancestors or have been added to the genes in this life.

About ThetaHealing Session

Here are 2 fundamental requirements for ThetaHealing to work in your life.

First is a belief in the Creator of All That Is, some common names would be God, Buddha, Shiva, Yaweh, Jesus, Universe, Allah.

Second, It is important to come into the session with the intention of being ready to create and accept positive change in your life.

The goal of the ThetaHealing session is to identify and shift subconscious programs that are blocking you from living your life on your terms.

The practitioner connects with Creator of All That Is to identify which key beliefs are holding your physical or emotional issue in place. 

Practitioner will ask your verbal permission before any belief is changed and prior to any healing being done.

As a Practitioner works with you and your self limiting beliefs, you’ll uncover self-sabotaging patterns in your life. Then transform 

them into loving and empowering beliefs so that you can move forward in your life. By changing your beliefs, you change your actions and therefore the results you are getting in your life. 

ThetaHealing works just as effectively over long distances as it does in-person. 

The duration of a ThetaHealing session is usually between 60 and 90 minutes, the number of sessions is variable from person to person.

Benefits of ThetaHealing Session

Health and Well-Being 

Releasing emotions that are not serving your highest purpose removes blocks to health and happiness and allows decisions to be made from an expanded arena of options rather than based on old limiting beliefs.

 Improved Memory

As ThetaHealing® produces a state of mental calm and clarity so the mind can reach past former boundaries.  Memory is clearer and more easily accessed. Creativity and imagination can bloom completely unobstructed.


ThetaHealing® allows you to find harmony within and in so doing find harmony with others. By resolving issues, negative beliefs and feelings within you- relationships reach new levels.


ThetaHealing will help you in areas such as low self-confidence and lack of self-esteem by finding the root cause and replacing it with positive feelings, confidence and the ability to shine again.

 Fun and Recreation

Life is all about balance, and if you are not having any fun, you are not fully living.

ThetaHealing allows you to get to the heart of any issue and resolve it, bringing healing and inspiration that will leave you loving life and feeling amazing.

  Finance and Career

Negative believes, feelings and programs can hold you from achieving your goals. 

ThetaHealing helps to clear these "stuck" feelings and gives you exciting new tools to create a Prosperous life.   

Rates for ThetaHealing Session

Book a ThetaHealing® session 

and start creating a life you’ll love  in your health, wealth,

relationships and business.

Save $50 when you Buy Package of three ThetaHealing sessions

5 Sessions


Save $75 
when you Buy 5 
sessions Package 

1 Session


ThetaHealing works 
just as effectively over long distances 
as it does in-person

10 Sessions


Save $250
when you buy 10
sessions Package

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